Monday, November 29, 2010

Dozing There Forever In A Single Blink Of Time

silver-haired blind man in a checkered flannel shirt strokes a purring calico tomcat
          both comfortable with that black wool blanket covering his lap

purring calico tomcat soothes the man's rough and work-hardened hands
          as he weighs the value of his long ago against the shortly sure to come

blind man feels the sun through the open window on his craggy face and smiles
          rumbling calico tomcat shifts and switches purring gears

they both enjoy the silence, the peace and tranquility
          they seem so safely anchored in this place and time

clouds but then just passing, stir the petals of a red tulip
          blind man emits a sigh, calico cat unruffled continues on his ride

god looks down upon the blind man staring within himself
          god strokes the purring tomcat just behind his ear

behold the ancient blind man with nothing left to fear
          quite content that calico tomcat lies, very still and very near

silver-haired with flaring nostrils, thickened ears and wrinkled skin
          no good no more for working, cannot bring home any pay

calico cat was born to leisure, sleeping twenty hours every day
          blind man can feel his spots with ease due to different temperatures

silver-haired blind man in a checkered shirt, wise old tomcat in his spotted coat
          dozing there forever in a single blink of time

no more howling at the moon, no more gnashing of the teeth
          silver-haired old blind man considers carefully his each and every move

with the cat upon his lap and the flowers in the garden
          blind man in a small room with a window, on a sunny autumn afternoon
with the help of the cat and the ticking of a clock
          he traces out the warm sun's shadow as it moves across his tidy space

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