Sunday, January 2, 2011

My Last Wishes

No one should use any method on me that artificially maintains my life
If I am sure to die and there is no real remedy, let me go without regrets

I wish that my organs be donated should they be of use to anyone else, but not for profit
I do not wish that I should ever travel to any funeral home

I reject being embalmed and will have no one pay for any commercial services
Keep the undertakers and the preachers strictly away from my passing

I ask that I have no coffin but merely a simple, degradable piece of cloth
In fact, a warm and trusted old wool blanket will suit my needs quite well

I accept no spot within a cemetery but prefer anonymity in some open land
Just keep me far away from the traffic’s poisonous roar

I request that no strangers speak over me unless no one else knows me there
I specifically deny that preachers, ministers or priests use me as their prop

If you can find it, you might read The Beckoning Void very quietly
A little gentle music would be nice, if anyone there can play

I would like a shallow burial such that I might help nourish the good earth
Please plant some native species directly over my unmarked grave

If times are bad or I am poor, simply leave me outside in my work clothes
Feed me to the crows, rodents and insects and let my bones bleach out in peace

Let me face the Winter sun should I perish in those snowy mountains I loved so very much
Leave me somewhere that is unvisited and unlikely to be disturbed

My writings are all that I have of any personal value
Do with them what you will

Give my stuff to my wife, family, relatives and friends in order should they want it
Then donate it all to charity, recycle it and, finally, throw away anything else that is left

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