Tuesday, November 30, 2010

As You Left

David Meyer, October 1, 2004
As you left
          I only knew for sure that I, too, would go

As you passed
          I asked in silence why not me

As sure as you were gone
          I was sure I would not stay

As you grew cold
          I watched myself grow very still

As you faded off in time
          I observed as I returned to dust

As you slipped away
          I found it made no real sense

As you parted company
          I dwelt upon my own farewells

As you moved on
          I caught a glimpse of all our pathways merging

As you disappeared
          I could see my own outline growing fainter

As you turned away
          I witnessed that there is nowhere left to turn

As you left us
          I felt the guilt of the living

As you sailed off
          I thought of myself sinking

As you grew so still
          I did not want to move

As you went off all alone

          I saw me leaving by myself as well

Monday, November 29, 2010

Dozing There Forever In A Single Blink Of Time

silver-haired blind man in a checkered flannel shirt strokes a purring calico tomcat
          both comfortable with that black wool blanket covering his lap

purring calico tomcat soothes the man's rough and work-hardened hands
          as he weighs the value of his long ago against the shortly sure to come

blind man feels the sun through the open window on his craggy face and smiles
          rumbling calico tomcat shifts and switches purring gears

they both enjoy the silence, the peace and tranquility
          they seem so safely anchored in this place and time

clouds but then just passing, stir the petals of a red tulip
          blind man emits a sigh, calico cat unruffled continues on his ride

god looks down upon the blind man staring within himself
          god strokes the purring tomcat just behind his ear

behold the ancient blind man with nothing left to fear
          quite content that calico tomcat lies, very still and very near

silver-haired with flaring nostrils, thickened ears and wrinkled skin
          no good no more for working, cannot bring home any pay

calico cat was born to leisure, sleeping twenty hours every day
          blind man can feel his spots with ease due to different temperatures

silver-haired blind man in a checkered shirt, wise old tomcat in his spotted coat
          dozing there forever in a single blink of time

no more howling at the moon, no more gnashing of the teeth
          silver-haired old blind man considers carefully his each and every move

with the cat upon his lap and the flowers in the garden
          blind man in a small room with a window, on a sunny autumn afternoon
with the help of the cat and the ticking of a clock
          he traces out the warm sun's shadow as it moves across his tidy space

Sunday, November 28, 2010

Always Here For You, Too

I began my work shortly after the first organisms somehow appeared
          They did not last long and I was here to take them back

I know not from where I spring but my function is to return life to the void
          I travel everywhere that life goes - all those places but nowhere else

Without any feeling I relieve you of your every understanding
          I am not offended if you should not accept me, even in the end

I make no deals and cast no bargains and steal closer every single moment
          I have neither voice nor mercy and lack any mind to understand you

I am not cruel or happy and I merely see you off to a place where I can never go
          You cannot imagine me, you will not remember me and I do not know you

I am neither harsh nor cruel, but you can make of me what you will
          I attend your murders, suicides, plagues and starvation - all just alike

You need not fear me any more than you feared your long forgotten birth
          Horrid suffering and evil torture are not even what I am about

But, as pain and anguish may arrive before me, many welcome me in my time
          Often it appears that I am early, but there cannot ever be a mistake

I come to join you forever more to wherever it was that you once emerged
          Behold, I come to honor only the living and not for stone or water

Though I offer no form of gospel, none will be ignored, faithful or not
          Many seek to look beyond me but that is none of my concern

I spend moments with all the bugs, the birds and the plants as well as you
          I witness the end of every detail of the life force in all of the universe

Whether you pass away in silken sheets or bleeding out in filth, it matters not
          I take you away from all this, ignorant of the promises of your faiths

I always travel with you, but linger not a moment when you are gone
          You pass empty again into that void from which all life has surged

I am but a form emerging from your imagination of that which is beyond you
          I am that passage which rejoins you once again with the inanimate

I do not revel in your mass slaughters, and each and every one still gets their moment
          Famine, plague and war summon me to many places, all at once

I am universal and have been unavoidable ever since the first living cell
          I have no face, but your imaginations have lent me many images

The very fact that I am always there goads many into fevered actions
          Regardless of the acts or players the final scene must be the same

I know nothing of the hopeless struggle in which you so joyfully partake
          But be sure that I, too, should love life, for without it, neither do I exist

I have spawned the faith which quiets your lonely desperation
          Truth be told, you need no faith to draw strength from my absolute certainty

I mark the entropy which must always counter the organization of the life force
          When I began and my ultimate future are questions I cannot ask        

All your gods demand belief that will ensure your spirit survives your body
          any post-mortem accounting of such faiths do not affect my actions

I am not alive and I have no soul or consciousness but I am only for the living
          They represent me with skulls but these are as simple stones to me

I can know nothing of your actions, history, families or your dearest beliefs
          There is no lingering on my part when once the life has left you

I am a shadow passing at the start of a dreamless sleep from which there is no awakening
          I cannot answer any questions and am unable to foster any illusions

I am here for you, be you rich or poor, ugly or handsome, young or very old
          I will not mock you and I know nothing of so-called good and evil

I walk always in your shadow until that moment in which we are briefly joined
          I promise you nothing except the absolute certainty of our meeting

Some beg for mercy but I have no way of listening or any kind of understanding
          I arrive at the very end of every lifetime and join it for but an instant

I know nothing of saviors, re-incarnation, souls or the great wheel of life
          I do not learn and, for me, time does not exist

I cannot retain any memories, just like you once were and will forever be
          Quantum chance always summons me because nothing is really scripted

Even though you witness me time and again, my mystery always remains
          You understand the biology but the metaphysics will forever remain beyond you

Saturday, November 27, 2010

Chapel Of Bones

As you now are
          So once were we
As we are now
          so you will be

so once we lived
          as you live now
so soon change we all
          as you see how

as you walk today
          so once we traveled
as we lie still
          so your lives unravel

so once we laughed
          as your laughter now echoes
so quickly follows silence
          when one’s breathing goes

as you leave today
          so once left we
as we lay tonight
          so will you stay

so once we prayed
          like you meditate
so soothing your voices
          as day grows late

as you gaze down
          so gazed we cruelly
as you are drawn
          so were we quite truly

so once we cried
          as you grow quiet
so moist your firm cheeks
          our tears long dried

as you quickly forget
          we forgot those before
as we are forgotten
          so are your regrets

so once we journeyed
          as you now travel
so still our bones
          as we have learned

as you now love
          so loved we then
as you grow old
          so came our end

so once we played
          as frolic your children
as you grow older
          so our flesh decayed