Saturday, March 10, 2012

That Good Black Light

Verily, I always have that soothing black light off the eternal emptiness deep inside to comfort me
That universal darkness is so secure and everlasting: My silent faith is as a featureless black monolith
Though my eyes were closed and my optic nerve severed, I would still perceive its blank perfection
I am utterly unable to be disappointed given the absolutely empty oblivion which I know awaits me

That wondrous and everlasting truth remains likewise blacker than anything my eyes can ever see
This good black light envelops their fairytale brightness that threatens to well up within me
I shine my black flashlight on all those unpleasantries that I really don’t want to have to perceive
I keep my black headlights on low beam to narrow my focus which really helps calm my fears

The royal coat of arms of my beliefs is that gaping black hole at the center of our galaxy
For, yea, all that endlessly increasing and irreversible darkness is the cornerstone of my faith
Totally devoid of any purpose or promise: Purest achromaticity simply has no way to ever fail me
Colorless, silent, empty, and consciousless: It draws me back, to diffuse me to nothing, forever

Assured of resting almost without motion, I will regain the universal standard of near absolute zero
I await with a true faith my certain return to the everlasting, unified formless from which I sprang
Black light shall always illuminate the empty dream during my eternal sleep without any awakening
Blessed with the absolute certainty of the inescapable, feature-free timelessness, I can rest at ease

Secure that I will never know any boundaries since I cannot ever again require any space at all
So briefly swept together to the top of this black tsunami, so soon to tumble back alone into its abyss
Maybe enough time to internalize the darkness before I am once again homogenized within it
I’m freed from their false choices regarding the multitude of worn-out and bogus, one-true-saviors

The infinite, conscious-free emptiness will instantaneously absorb and totally dilute my phony soul
The effects of my puny actions will hyperbolically approach nothing throughout whatever eternity
And the void already stands limitless - outside this one, always-expanding current universe
Philosophical arguments blow away with evaporating logic, imagination, thought and memories

I am assured of complete equality with all my brothers – criminal, rich, powerful, crippled or poor
Nothing makes no promises nor seeks any false bargain for the worthless faith of my fictional soul
The black is so much cleaner than their smoke, costumes, ceremonies, props, legends and lectures
I await an absolutely smooth and pointless, totally insensate and memory-free eternal peace

Don’t have any lavishly embellished myths or inane fictional heavens to appease my childish fears
I content myself with the promise of a conscious-free infinity, passing beyond my absent notice
And god’s so-called messengers here on earth are but transparently-comedic hustlers to me
Don’t have to choose to mortgage my fictional soul so I, too, never fret over attaining paradise

Praise be to that black light off the non-cognitive and permanent emptiness where I truly belong
But, I am no atheist given my absolute and unshakeable faith in my onrushing, permanent oblivion
For, indeed, I do believe in a totally peaceful, if un-sensed, eternity - without any wants or needs
Count me among the faithful for I firmly accept that the everlasting oblivion awaits us all

Sunday, February 19, 2012

The Everlasting Night

So soon now I lay me down to sleep forever
Never again to wake up together
An eternal night is how it will seem
But in all that time, not a single dream

Suns grow cold and beliefs forsaken
And through it all, I will not awaken
Years in billions pass by uncounted
With all my senses fully blunted

Wont be resting on some fairy cloud
Aren’t any noises that are too loud
Never gonna be either hot or cold
No more worries about getting old

There’s no alarms that I could hear
Not one old fear can reappear
Memories no longer get me upset
For now there’s nothing to forget

No news can bring me any grief
I rest so secure with no beliefs
Wont wake up when you roll over
Got no problem staying clean and sober

Can’t decide to trade rhyme for reason
Not concerned with form or function
Wont be scared of background silence
Don’t feel one pang of nagging conscience

All my thoughts so long since faded
Effects of my actions all fully dissipated
A few molecules of me swirl in the dust
Though I, too, swore ‘In God We Trust’

No more trying to save time
No career ladder left to climb
Don’t remember when I fell asleep
Wont wake up with the creeps

Now I’m bound to miss eternity
But there’s nothing more can ever bother me
Delivered from each and all my cares
Never to awaken, and no more nightmares

Friday, February 3, 2012

Sore Afraid To Leave Alone

        Mark 9:6 Peter knew not what to say: for they were sore afraid.
After I realized, as I sat in the dark, late at night, very much alone, I was drained to emptiness
I saw myself as I disappeared into that black hole of the void and, lo, I was indeed sore afraid
There was nothing to be done for me and no one would go with me for certainly: I had no destination
I was alone with my memories which were about to simply evaporate, with my tiny and silent passing

I finally saw the cold, emotionless certainty behind the noisy, content-free veil of our everyday life
And, no, not one of our currently-vogue One-true-saviors could grant me even the slightest comfort
This nano-bubble of consciousness would soon be swallowed by the black torrent of the universe
So though I could not face it, now I realized there was no direction to which I could even turn away

Somewhere far above I saw a brief, tiny spark and somehow knew it was me, as I streaked briefly
Anger was futile, there was no one to bargain with and only a deep resigned sadness remained
That infinite emptiness surrounded me, compressing my great fear of itself hard within me
I considered the dark abyss and briefly realized my unavoidable, everlasting, inorganic identity

I was as filled with certainty as any of my brothers who communed privately with his personal savior
My faith as unassailable as any illiterate Whateverstani who has memorized the Koran in arabic
I could never be disappointed as I expected an absolute nothingness that I would never even know
I saw that the eternal and everlasting had neither voice nor witnesses, or any motives or passion

Closing my eyes and ears did not help for that only clarified the black source of my great anxiety
I saw that I would only know that very first small step into an oblivion outside of measured time
I chuckled over my so-called legacy whose utter dissolution was just as assured as my own body’s
I knew this loneliness would soon evaporate into unbounded emptiness - and I grew sore afraid

My sustaining illusion of forever shattered in a thousand weightless pieces that quickly blew away
I frightened off a loathsome so-called man of god coming to try and sell me during my weakness
My attitude did not suit the family so they ascribed it to my condition and thereby could ignore it
But I remained secured to my dark vision though it left me totally empty and terrifyingly alone

Sunday, January 2, 2011

Just Leave Me Be Right Here

The Dog Tag from where I lay
This is my chosen place
I get the good winter sun
This was not an accident
And it is not a crime scene

Please to leave me be
I do not bother anyone
The crows are done with me
And now I bleach my bones

Let me be alone with my peace
This place is not on the map
I came here on my own
I mean to stay for good

Don’t need an investigation
Don’t want no death certificate
Don’t got any next of kin
Go away, I’m busy listening

I am not even trespassing
My taxes are all paid up for good
This stuff is biodegradable
I don’t make any noise

I came here on my own
No one else is responsible
I have no other home
This is where I want to be

Got no affairs to settle
The snow don’t bother me
I don’t light no fires
And I’m not camping here

Smile back at me
Look into my empty sockets
Do not bury me
Leave this note upon me

Turn my skull to the light
This is how I want to fade
Go on and get away now
And please just leave me be

My Last Wishes

No one should use any method on me that artificially maintains my life
If I am sure to die and there is no real remedy, let me go without regrets

I wish that my organs be donated should they be of use to anyone else, but not for profit
I do not wish that I should ever travel to any funeral home

I reject being embalmed and will have no one pay for any commercial services
Keep the undertakers and the preachers strictly away from my passing

I ask that I have no coffin but merely a simple, degradable piece of cloth
In fact, a warm and trusted old wool blanket will suit my needs quite well

I accept no spot within a cemetery but prefer anonymity in some open land
Just keep me far away from the traffic’s poisonous roar

I request that no strangers speak over me unless no one else knows me there
I specifically deny that preachers, ministers or priests use me as their prop

If you can find it, you might read The Beckoning Void very quietly
A little gentle music would be nice, if anyone there can play

I would like a shallow burial such that I might help nourish the good earth
Please plant some native species directly over my unmarked grave

If times are bad or I am poor, simply leave me outside in my work clothes
Feed me to the crows, rodents and insects and let my bones bleach out in peace

Let me face the Winter sun should I perish in those snowy mountains I loved so very much
Leave me somewhere that is unvisited and unlikely to be disturbed

My writings are all that I have of any personal value
Do with them what you will

Give my stuff to my wife, family, relatives and friends in order should they want it
Then donate it all to charity, recycle it and, finally, throw away anything else that is left

Know That I Loved Life

Know that I stood in the painted caves in which they dwelt and took a bit of them away
I felt them as they stood behind me, hands upon my shoulder, helping to point my way
I saw fully my own short cycle in the informal death of insects and other forms of life
I knew eternity in the long pause between metronomic, meditative breaths

Know that I have felt life so very strongly that it has brought me to tears
I have loved and been loved for all of my best years
I have howled to the wind, the stars and the vast cold emptiness above
I caught sideways glances at the eternity into which my consciousness always slid

Know that my nostrils quivered and I needed to run off in the cool twilight
I understood that I wasted the vast proportion of the tiny time allotted to me
I watched those who gave me life as they showed me how I, too, must pass away
I struggled with and worried over unimportant issues, for far too many years

Know that I take the shame of certain actions with me as stones I cannot grind
I thank all of those, anonymous or dear, who always helped me in my blindness
I plunged onwards reckless and without direction too full of selfish cynicism
I came very late upon some small understanding of those who just quietly do what is right

Know that I could not accept my weakness and imperfections for far too long
But I was engulfed by the silence between the clock ticks on a Winter afternoon
I had to totally lose my way to realize I had never considered where I was going
I only began to escape my emptiness when at last it began to fill me up
Know that I was ever grateful for the sentience blindly granted me by the life force
I worshiped the wondrous cosmos but shunned all forms of religious orthodoxy
I struggled to express myself as intensely as the marlin, the tuna and the dolphin
I was taught to think and to question only to be forced to accept and to play along

Know that I believed in comfort and efficiency always proceeding hand in hand
I am ashamed of our unending commitment to hate and death through war
I am embarrassed by our thoughtless, foolish trampling of this sustaining earth
I believe that we are far too many now, to be so reckless, wasteful and error-prone

Know that I do not strive to attain so-called heaven and have no fear of any hell
I believe my thoughts and actions will gradually dissolve within the great entropy, over time
I fear the permanent loss of my mind more than being dead forever

Friday, December 31, 2010

Always Together, Never Again

We always said we would always be together
          Never dreamed of being one without the other

Always be together, at least in these short lives
          No one can say how we first met or why

Those long hours we spent wrapped in each other
          Always waking up with you so warm by my side

I can imagine my own death and some endless stillness
          But I can never imagine being without you

I see our skeletons intertwined on a quiet, hidden hilltop
          Every year we both bleach away just a little more

Always together and slowly fading away as one
          So where now is that love which never ended?

We were made for each other, as we always said
          And when each is finished is that purpose simply quenched?

The joy that you give me that helps light this world
          Without any living memories, tell me where is it found?

The peace and security we create for each other
          Tell me how will it be when we both are gone?

Always together through death into an unimaginable future
          Clinging to each other as we bob towards the unavoidable abyss

Yet we choose to live our lives in love and uncertainty, but not in fear
          The irrational choice of the rational facing this vast unknown

There is no armor but our love, in this long and hopeless struggle
          Our only hope springs from the light we radiate from within

And as we slip away and our hands grow cool though we are touching still
          We can no longer plan for the comfort of each other

Always together, but where were you those first 14 billion years?
          And I fear that you will leave me once again for an even longer time