Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Unexpectedly Into Forever

It comes early on a Saturday, out of school and without a care
          Leaving only thousands of glass shards that sparkle in the air

In a darkened room mercifully at last the long struggle finally ceases
          Leaving behind nothing but the small comfort of the ritual cleaning

After a brief and overwhelming chest pain he codes within an hour
          never had the first sign or symptom to even slow him down

Reaching for her coffee while talking on the phone she drifts to the right
          Taking out a rider who is smeared to the pavement underneath his bike

Slowly the minister backs from his driveway rehearsing his Sunday sermon
          A terrible bump and his trusting little girl is pinned beneath the wheel

A friend slides off a rainy mountain road, rolling again and again
          Those left behind are forced to ponder who stays and who must leave

A small tree planted and cared for does not awaken in the spring
          A  small part of the caretaker is consumed by his own futility

A simple misstep results in a long period lying alone and helpless
          Just as the life force slowly leaves an insect kicking on its back

Working to restore power for thousands of impatient customers
          A sudden massive jolt scrambles his life processes, all at once

Unable to sit and too weak to cough, barely able to whisper
          Fluid fills her lungs and she drowns in a bed up there on the 25th floor

Unwilling to continue coping after long & drawn out years of depression
          Sudden inspiration is followed with a quick shot to the temple

Sparking the grill loaded with unburned natural gas
          Intense explosion scatters consciousness in a fine aerosol mist

Finding a loaded weapon in the drawer next to daddy’s bed
          A smiling brother’s head is blown open, smothering the echo of his laugh

Taking a relaxing swim at a beautiful beach on a dream vacation
          The undertow silently claims another panicked victim

Working hard to save money and make a better home for his family
          The ladder slips and father falls leaving them all on their own

An improvised explosive rigged as a roadside truck bomb
          Sends bagged parts of a son home with honor in a neatly-draped coffin

Another overcrowded ferry capsizes miles out in that dark and stormy channel
          Hundreds quickly drown but others manage to struggle on for hours

Twister rakes a mobile home in which poverty’s occupants desperately hide
          Opened like a can of sardines it paws away at those inside

Oversized but lacking conscience and ignorant of moral authority
          One home boy shoots another and earns a better education in a prison

Five young graduates ride fast on country roads well after 0’DarkThirty
          And with great laughter they leave the road and suddenly end their lives together

Tiny apartment dweller is fascinated by mommy’s smoking paraphernalia
          The shiny lighter brings bright flames, smoke and fumes to where he hides

Massive sixteen wheeler crosses into the other lane as the driver falls asleep
          A coincidental family trip is ended at a randomly solid bridge abutment

Somewhere in the Andes creeping up a narrow road, an old bus blows a tire
          Forty people roll and roll into a colorfully indistinguishable blend

In the hectic traffic of a crowded southeast asian city, someone takes a chance
          And yet another cyclist spills out his brains upon that wet, warm pavement

Mother deer leads her fawn across the road for the very first time
          Speeding armored family SUV takes her out and drives on, just a bit shaken up

High on drugs and life, young men take to playfully climbing on the rocks
          Just a slight slip and that quick fall ends one life, a quick hundred feet after

One more uncontrollable burst of red-faced anger starts another day
          A sudden brain blood clot leaves behind nothing but a mute and crooked face

Loyal retriever grown too old, stands next to master’s hunting rifle once again
          Knowledge of the discharge ends when that bullet exits from his head

The miracle of a butterfly flutters through the sunlight on its appointed trajectory
          In a fraction of a second mounted inside out on the grille of my speeding vehicle

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