Sunday, December 26, 2010

He Rides With Me

He rides with me
          Long bony fingers rest lightly upon my shoulder
He stands behind me
          He casts a shadow upon me even under noonday sun

He takes rest with me
          He reeks of the earthy smell of my own decay
He laughs with me
          He sees my toothless skull beneath the sandy soil

He looks at me
          From somewhere within my dying father’s eyes
He comforts me as he holds me close
          when I can no longer bear the pain

He waits with patience for me
          While my short moments come to pass
He drinks with me
          And he helps me to see how old you know I have become

He trains with me
          As I prepare to take him on
He believes in me
          And truly I can never fail him

He flees with me
           We look back for him together
He stays with me
          Always just a careless moment from leaving for good

He prays with me
          With his toothy grimace, ever unchanging
He closes his hollow eyes with me
          In case the bell should toll while I sleep

He reminisces with me
          His dry cackle sending the noisy crows into the air
He takes to the road with me
          As we seek the kindness of some good soul to bury me

He rolls the dice with me
          Someday those grinning snake eyes will come up at last
He gives thanks with me
          For without life he does not exist

He takes chances with me
          But never does he lose his grip upon my naked soul
He grows careless with me
          And he lets me make it easier for him to do his job

He grieves with me
          And his tears are as cold as any November rain
He forgets with me
          Yet through dreams he always keeps in touch

He smells the Spring with me
          Even as we rest alone in the darkness of February
He rages with me
          But there is no rage to be found within him

He breathes with me
          And every single breath reduces my precious finite store
He believes with me
          Without any wavering from the goal that we share

He grows fatigued with me
          And his shadow increases in its length and darkness
He wastes time with me
          For to him it is indeed just the same

He gasps for air with me
          Thereby gaining more of his real voice
He absorbs the world with me
          As he prepares to begin my sifting back to the earth

He goes to war with me
          Soundlessly he greets those with my brothers
He answers the call with me
          Steadying my gait upon this pre-ordained path

He contemplates forever with me
          Yet he is but the mute doorman to the void
He is frightened with me
          But he whispers that soon I will fear no more

He tells lies with me
          Only laughing out loud when I lie to myself
He stumbles off to sleep with me
          My snoring and my mumbling help him to frighten children

He fades away with me
          Until my bones are bleached so white and very pure
He stays at home with me
          Quiet and clean until my time has come

He struggles for life with me
          And in the end he is there beside me
He makes deals with me
          Somehow I miss the details just like all the others

He asks for mercy with me
          For she is, after all, his saintly sister
He views the microcosm with me
          His hand ever upon me, watching their lives play out

He grows pale with me
          But for him, it is a sign of increasing strength
He makes foolish mistakes with me
          Just to illustrate how close he always remains

He reeks of life just like me
          Maybe a little more damp but very earthy
He sits up with me
          Staring into the dark with those huge empty eyes

He drives too fast with me
          His grip ever tightening upon my shoulder
He helps himself with me
          And he might envy all the fat that he will never have

He watches the sunset with me
          Our dusty smiles and tattered looks, one and the same
He heads off alone with me
          Always just as close as that last mistake

He smiles with me
          For he is always grinning, in any case
He kisses ass with me
          It is the kiss of death no matter what

He finds time with me
          Just the same he counts the knots every day
He loses consciousness with me
          Knowing all the while if it will return

He blasphemes with me
          Laughing at the slightest unease that I might feel
He gets quite sick with me
          Finding my feverish ruminations entertaining

He fucks with what I call my soul
          But that is neither his real job nor his true purpose
He slays the enemy with me
          And together we watch ourselves lay down til I die

He finds fault with me
          Shrieking with inner joy at the life that’s left within me
He wanders aimlessly with me
          Every stop a ticket punched on my chosen route

He stands in the rain with me
          Our dirty clothes all wet in the shadow of a rainbow
He fears the unknown sounds of the night with me
          My anticipation seems to draw him nearer

He performs one routine task after another with me
          A monotony of boredom before my delivery to the emptiness
He sees all this suffering with me
          His whispers of the causes and the meaning, I never quite hear

His vision fades with mine
          As the grasp I only thought I had upon the world grows ever weaker
He stands shivering in the snow with me
          But he is ever so much colder without any flesh

He pays back debts with me
          And in the end I still owe him everything
He becomes lost in thought with me
          But those brief moments are deducted just the same

He strays off course with me
          Yet the path we take remains just as straight
He makes friends with me
          During that brief interval between the ashes

He performs unspeakable acts with me
          Faithful witness to any heinous crime
He ignores advice with me
          Howling madly at the moon as we lurch along our way

He finishes jobs with me
          Every motion just one more decision that cannot be undone
He bites feeding hands with me
          But there is no joy within him from my folly

He watches others pass away with me
          Silent and alone, his emptiness fills my thoughts
He stays far away with me
          But no matter where I roam, where I am going always stays as close

He casts down his eyes and I am grateful
          As some kind soul digs my small place
He works through the pain with me
          My age a weight that slowly increases my burden

He fears for the safety of my loved ones with me
          Never losing sight of the next possible random life changing event
He evolves from dust to dust with me
          No simple journey but certain just the same

He waxes and wanes from ashes to ashes with me
          And it is not like he has never been there before
He gazes fixedly with me
          Wondering how I could have forgotten our noble cause

He founders and fails with me
          Knowing that I reach his goal under all possible scenarios
He considers the devil with me
          Not explaining what I will only understand when he shows me

He questions god with me
          But his job is finished before my nails stop growing
He feels immortal as much as me
          For he cannot realize that he, too, must perish when life is no more

He looks directly into the sun with me
          Still, no light can penetrate those empty sockets
He frolics by a fantastically colored sea with me
          He is so sober he never knows that he is stoned

He bears witness with me
          His mute testimony forever ignored by the righteous
He stops passersby with me
          They sense our closeness and try to get away

He seeks the eternal with me
          But he cannot know that some day he too will have no more work

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