Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Planned Departures

        Globally, Over 1 million people a year die by suicide - WHO
He punched the cruise control, undid his safety belt and aimed for the tree
          He lived several moments, merged with the wreckage and branches

The car idled in the garage, a hose running from its exhaust into the window
          The CD changer played on and the dead man spilled a bit of red wine

The shotgun he had fired with his toes lay near his crumpled torso
          The inside of his head splattered and misted the wall behind him

The last step took him over the cliff and the acceleration energized him
          Fully awake hitting the rocks he never made another movement

He beat his wife, finished the case of beer and then called the police
          He threatened them with his empty shotgun until they riddled him with bullets

He saved up his pain meds, though he suffered, yet he remained quite silent
          One evening he took them all and drowned quietly in his own vomit

After drinking for hours they roared off upon their powerful new jet skis
          The force of their impact killed him even before his friend drowned

He overate and then smoked, drank heavily and laid about for many years
          The crushing pain in his chest came one day, like a prize in the mail

She lay in the now cold bathtub water stained pink with her blood
          Her wrists were neatly slashed and her shapely legs were nicely shaved

She said her goodbyes to each of the family as they gathered all around her
         She willed herself to be gone and simply ended the pain and the weakness

He was strapped into the explosives through a mumbling of prayers and praise
          After the Mullah triggered his flight by cell phone, his family celebrated

Lost in a stoned depression his subconscious purposely ignored a dump truck
          His shabby little car was crushed as it ground him into a juicy pulp

Left for another, she shortly stepped off the platform just in front of a train
          There was not much left to clean up and the funeral was very small

Sealing dry cleaning bags over his head, he sat quietly and turned quite blue
          Condensation had formed by the time his youngest child entered the room

With a noose round his neck attached to the ceiling he kicked away the chair
          He struggled gagging in the air for a five minute eternity

He strapped on a great rock, tied up his hands, then jumped into the water
          he took a breath at ten feet, choked and inhaled but one more time

She overdosed not quite on purpose but surely not purely by accident
          The attendants discussed the fine augmentation work done on her breasts

Fortified with a quart of vodka, he vowed to end this Winter in the snow
          He was not cold for long and soon he fell asleep and did not awaken

Poised high over the bay with a strong tide rushing out far below, he leaped
          Crabs, mollusks and scavenging fish cleaned him up pretty quickly

Unable to stand his continuing success, he put his small plane into a tail spin
          I read that he was a good pilot on a clear day, without mechanical issues

Facing life with no possibility of parole he dissed the leader of the blacks
          One day later they knifed him to ribbons underneath the showers

Depressed over a lack of attention, her suicide attempts kept her alive
          As a fatal overdose overtook her, she realized her mistake

Strung out on the last of his crank he began to mix another batch
          The explosion and fire burnt his toothless face beyond all recognition

Flushed with an early success the guitarist bought his first new motorcycle
          His long golden hair was matted with the contents of his skull

At midnight of the shortest day the medicine man finished his great circle
          His people evinced little sadness as he was now with their ancestors

Far from any trail he found a spot beneath a spruce facing south with a grand view
          He took the pills and waited for the crows, hoping never to be found

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